Greenlight Personal Training - Ashburn


.duckett has absolutely crushed her journey so far! She has been extremely consistent in her training schedule and is always willing to push herself outside of her comfort zone and try new challenges.


Client Win!! Katie is new on her journey with us and has been very dedicated. She bought into her nutiriton strategy out of the gate and keeps her eyes on the prize with an awesome mindset. Thanks to doing all of this she is down 4.5lb of body fat and increased her lean muscle by 1.5lb! Excited to see her continue to crush it 💪🏼


Carrie has been crushing it in her 13 Week Transformation! When she started out she told us she did not like strength training. But in no time her goals shifted to wanting to get as strong as possible. Now Carrie’s priorities are building her weight training numbers and less about numbers on the scale.


To lose weight, you must stay within your caloric range while hitting a protein floor each day.

Strength training 3 times per week is also important to maintain muscle mass and burn more calories during daily movement.

Finally, getting enough sleep will help the body recover from all of these activities at night so it can continue burning fat throughout the next day.

Comment below if you are ready to keep it simple and lose the weight for good!

Photos from Greenlight Personal Training - Ashburn's post 07/24/2022

Whether you’re trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, it can be easy to get off track with your calorie intake and exercise routine.

The key is not giving up when small setbacks happen in the process. Instead of being discouraged by one day outside of your caloric range, try using that as motivation for getting back on track tomorrow!

In fact, staying disciplined over time will show more progress than any temporary burst of enthusiasm ever could. It may feel discouraging at first but if you stay motivated and consistent with what's best for you then success will come sooner rather than later.

Comment below if you are ready to get back on track and crush your goals this week!


The most important thing you can do for yourself is focus on the things that are in your control.

How quickly you get back on track, how consistent you are with daily exercise and nutrition, these aspects will determine what happens to your waistline more than anything else.

So today make a choice – choose kindness over criticism; consistency over laziness; progress over perfectionism - this one decision may be all it takes to change everything.

Comment below if you are ready to win the day!

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Lauren’s body feels so much better since beginning her strength training journey and she is really enjoying getting into...



20931 Ashburn Road, Suite 190
Ashburn, VA

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm
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